
DBB LLP Application Resolution (DAR)

July 15, 2015

What is DAR?

As part of our mediation/arbitration practice, Dunphy Best Blocksom LLP is pleased to announce that we are offering an alternative to scheduling an application in morning Family Chambers or to a lengthier Domestic Special Hearing in the Court of Queen’s Bench: DBB LLP Application Resolution (DAR).

DAR will be held every Thursday morning from 8:30 a.m. to noon commencing May 14, 2015 at our offices (#800, 517 – 10th Avenue S.W.).
We have created this service to provide counsel and their clients with an alternative to morning chambers, and domestic specials.


Why should you use DAR?
• You will have an experienced family law lawyers (senior associate or partner) available to make arbitrated decisions on any family law matter. You can pick which lawyer you wish to use, as they will be scheduled in advance.


• The time within which the matter can be scheduled and determined can be significantly reduced.


• You can determine the process that best suits your client’s needs and budget.


• A decision will be made within 10 business days of the hearing.


• The process is private.


• The arbitrator’s award will be provided in a form that can be converted to a Court Order for your convenience, the Court Order format will be provided as a Schedule to the Arbitration Agreement.


Who can use DAR?
• Parties with legal representation can use the booking process outlined below. Parties without legal representation will need to complete a form that will allow us to determine if this process is appropriate for your needs.


How do you schedule a hearing date?

• You need to book an appointment. Katie Kuehn will manage the appointment schedule. She can be reached at 403-750-1141 or by email.


Katie can advise you of which lawyer is scheduled for the selected date and the hourly rate of that lawyer.

Currently the following lawyers are scheduled and available:
Wendy E. Best Q.C.
Patricia L. Blocksom Q.C.
Caroline P. Lee Q.C.
Anthony G. Young Q.C.
Aaron D. Martens
Gordon Sterchi
Jason L. Wilkins
Erin J. Kuzyk
Sandy Vander Ziel
Sheri L. Ferguson


What do you need to provide in advance of the hearing?

• A signed arbitration agreement. The signed agreement along with a certificate of independent legal advice must be provided at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing date, or earlier if the matter is complex;


• A retainer for the parties which will be determined in advance and must be provided either by funds from legal counsel or by a credit card authorization from the client at the same time that the signed arbitration agreement is provided.


• You need to identify the issue(s) to be determined and estimate the time required. You need to ensure you have booked appropriate time for your matter as timelines may need to be enforced if there are other bookings. If more than 3 hours are required, special arrangements can be made for additional time, other than a Thursday morning.


• Applications that are scheduled for more than 1 (one) hour will require an advance conference call with the scheduled arbitrator to ensure that enough time has been booked and all the materials required to determine the matter have been exchanged.


• The affidavits/material to be relied on must be provided in advance, no later than 48 hours prior to the appointment (earlier if complex). If viva voce evidence is intended, special arrangements will need to be made.


• You need to advise in advance if you wish to have a court reporter in attendance. You or the other counsel need to make those arrangements. The proceedings can also be recorded. Again, counsel need to make those arrangements in advance.


• If the appointment is cancelled less than 24 hours in advance, the arbitrator shall be entitled to bill for the services provided to that point in time.


We look forward to providing this service. Please contact Sandy Vander Ziel at 403 750-1143 or by email for any additional information required.

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